How To Get Things Done

To Do List



Did you achieve all your goals this year? Did you set any? Did you get things done? If so, what steps did you take to make them happen?


Yes you read that right. Steps.


You don’t get to the top of the ladder without climbing the steps. But sometimes we focus so much on what’s at the top, that we lose sight or motivation to get there.


There are many options to staying on track as well as keeping track of your progress.


I’ve never been a big fan of simple to do lists. They can get cluttered. And I don’t like vision boards, they just focus on the end result. I forget about phone notes. So what do I do.


I use an action board. It’s pretty much just a big visual to do list. But it works for me.


Action Board


I call it SWIFT. Study the picture above and you will get the idea


It consists of 5 Categories.


Social – This is any potential money makers. Hobbies/ Websites/ Contacts/ etc…


Work – This is anything that is bringing you money RIGHT NOW! Your job/ business/ etc..


Inner – Self Help, Mindset, and family. Whether it’s reading books, watching documentaries, spending time with family, going to church, etc. This is something that helps your inner self and makes you feel good.


Financial – This is your money issues. If you have a budget this is where you make sure you are following it. Check your savings and make sure you are paying off your debts.


Take Care Of – This is your physical goals. Your workouts, your diet, supplements, etc.



Personal Action Board
This is the actual action board i use.



I set 6 goals weekly in each category and don’t set new ones until they are all done. That’s 30 small goals a week. It sounds like a lot but it really isn’t.


I focus on one goal per category each day. 5 things to get done each day that make progress. Some are small and take less than 5 minutes. Could be a simple phone call or and email blast. You will find yourself setting up some things you may take for granted otherwise.


1 Goal per day in each category. Have at least 5 or 6 queued up for the rest of the week in each category. If there are interruptions or unexpected consequences, put them in the interruptions section and get those done ASAP! Before moving on.


Once your list is done, REWARD YOURSELF!


There’s no better feeling on a when Saturday comes and your ‘list’ is empty. DONE!


So why not reward yourself?


You will see progress and you will be that much closer to your goals. I guarantee it!!


Until Next Time





