Why You Should Work Out… With Weights

Why You Should Work Out... With Weights


Don’t ask stupid questions! Everyone knows the benefits of working out, but people make excuses. Stop it. Stop making excuses. Have more respect for yourself. Im going to give you a few examples of why you should work out. And make no mistake about it, you’ve heard this all before! I know you already know this. So let’s kick your butt into gear.


Why You Should Work Out… With Weights


1- You will be strong! Everyone wants to be strong. Everyone wants to feel strong. You never leave the gym or finish a workout feeling weak. Maybe a little tired, but not weak. If you are just beginning to work out, there’s no better feeling than that next-day post workout soreness. You can feel yourself getting stronger from the very beginning. When your physical strength grows, your mental strength grows. You feel like you can take on the world.
2- You wont be so lazy. You will naturally be more active. Something happens to your body when you do workouts you didn’t think you could do, run distances you didn’t think you could run, lift weights you didn’t think you could lift. It brings out this burst of energy that just stays with you. Suddenly, your life changes. You will find yourself feeling lazy when you’re not active or working out. When before you were satisfied just eating and watching t.v. all night, and reaching for that cup of coffee to get through the day, you will now find yourself wanting to be up and getting shit done. So get through that period of adjustment. Pick up some weights, go for a run, and soon won’t want to turn on that T.V.
3- You will be healthier. Geez. Do you need any more reasons to work out? After training for some time, you will find yourself getting sick less often, if at all. Your immune system will be stronger than ever.
4- Discipline. This is the one most people do not like and often fail at. Most people aren’t disciplined enough to follow a workout schedule to the end, often giving up at the first sign of struggle. Don’t be soft. Don’t be weak. Things that are worth it are never easy. It takes dedication, pain, sacrifice, and most of all, hard work.
5- You will have better posture. There’s something about posture that screams to the world “I am a winner!” or “I’m not a winner!” Sitting for hours at home or at work at your desk job, which I don’t recommend having, is not good for your back. Slouching all day leads to slouching while out and about. When you’re walking around hunched over, you look weak. Working out will help you walk upright, as if you have a purpose, which you should. As if you are ready to take on the world, which you are. So get to it.

6- You’ll have a good time. Of course there’s a period of adjustment in the beginning when working out will seem like a chore, but once that’s over, you will find you can’t wait to work out. Now working out at home is fine, but if you really want to turn it up a notch, the gym is where it’s really at. Even on those days you don’t feel like working out, as soon as you step foot in the gym, you will find this smile come across your face and this energy will flow through your body making you feel like you’re in for a good time. I can’t tell you what causes that feeling, but it breaks through all limitations. Then it becomes fun.
7- Last but not least, You will look good. Obviously you will burn fat and gain muscle. Along with proper diet, you will get shredded. But you Must include weights. If you just do cardio, you will not look toned, just skinny with no definition. Who do you think gets more girls, the strong, buff guy, or the skinny no muscle guy? Chris Evans from Captain America, or Edward from Twilight? Magazines always have guys with 6 packs and big muscles. Weights are the only way to get them.


Let’s look good guys.


Till Next Time.

