How to Take a Quiet Vacation

Quiet Vacaition


How often do you take a vacation to get away from the stresses of life or your job?


What if I told you that you could take a vacation everyday. Even several times a day.


Lets say you’re having a stressful day. Things are getting heavy, and it’s getting to be too much in your head.


Let me show you how to take a quiet vacation in 5 minutes or less


How to take a quiet vacation. Step by Step



Remove all distractions.


Turn off your phone.


Close your computer.


Be alone.


Keep a picture, of a vacation you have taken when you were happy, or a dream vacation spot. Put it somewhere you will go when your day is getting heavy. The visor of you car, a frame on your computer desk, a notebook, anywhere you will visit it often and it is visible.


Close your eyes.


Just Go There.


Imagine the sights.


See the sights.


Feel the sights.


Hear the sounds.


Smell the smells.


Feel how you would feel being there. (Or how you felt when you were there)


BREATH (The most important part)


Breathing deep stretches your muscles and helps you relax.


In this moment, don’t think about anything but where you are on your vacation.


Be there.


Be in the moment.


See… Smell… Hear… FEEL..


Take a deep breath.


Breathe In.


Breath Out.


Open Your Eyes.



Until Next Time



